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Courses de Légende
Culture Street
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Courses de Légende
Culture Street
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Crédits : Mathieu GTI JURIC Musique : The Toxic Avenger © Réalisation : Mathieu Juric / Marco Gonçalves / Kevin Deviercy Production : Life Is Short Vespa France
Crédits : Stefano Fiori Quasi un anno, una vendemmia, per completare un progetto che parla di passione per il vino, artigianato, natura e design Made in Italy: la Vespa « Montiano ». Una Vespa interamente rivestita a mano da Bottega Conticelli con il Cuo
Crédits : Motorliebe Dies ist die Geschichte eines Traums. Eines Abenteuers. Einer kleinen Therapie. Einmal mit alten Vespas quer durch die USA – wer je den italienischen Rollern verfallen war, spürt den Reiz dieser Unternehmung. Die wunderbare Unvernunft
Crédits : One Day Production This video was created for « MOD CAFE-BAR » in Rhodes,Greece for its upcoming 3 year anniversary with the help of its staff and RHODES VESPACLUB’s riders Special thanx goes out to photographer Savvas Argirou who came al
Crédits : Motorcycle Filmmakers La Vespa è una moto. Tre strade diverse un punto sulle Alpi per ritrovarsi. Ci incontriamo a 2k mt. dopo mesi che non ci vedevamo. La versatilità della Vespa PX usata come una moto, non solo per fare i giretti con le fidanza
Crédits : JC Pieri jcpierivisual.com facebook.com/JC.Pieri It’s pretty logical to ride a skatepark with a bmx, a skateboard or rollerblades but Boulon is a special guy from Marseille In France who rides the legendary bowl of Marseille with his Vespa. e
Crédits : cecile gohel J’ai suivi les deux fondateurs de JAMBON-BEURRE MOTORCYCLE dans l’un de leurs deux ateliers. On connaissait celui à Paris, voici celui d’Angers. J’ai trouvé là-bas bonne humeur et rigueur, filmé à l’i
Crédits : MONDIAL We spent the day with Classified Moto in Richmond, Virginia as they made — start to finish — one of their recycled motorcycle parts lamps. Their main business is creating retro-cool custom bikes out of ugly duckling Japanese bikes from
Crédits : Soul Motor Co Honor a quien Honor merece, gracias Leon, Luna, Cochi, el German y Emanuelle, pollo y toda la banda Soul. El video: the errantes, otro dia increible haciendo lo que nos gusta y da la gana. Potro, Bernando, Esteban, el cara de Soul Ang
Crédits : Indian Motorcycle The race-inspired Scout FTR1200 Custom. Indian Motorcycle is America’s first motorcycle company. Founded in 1901, Indian Motorcycle has won the hearts of motorcyclists around the world and earned distinction as one of America’
Crédits : Roberto Serrini The Filmmaker: robertoserrini.com The Mechanic: motoborgotaro.com The Shop: uniongaragenyc.com Read all about it here: nofilmschool.com/2015/09/tarantinoesque-moto-borgotaro-breaks-bio-short-doc-mold#comment-321644 Thanks #Jalopnik
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