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Courses de Légende
En Style
100% Motard
En Style
Courses de Légende
Culture Street
En Style
Courses de Légende
Culture Street
100% Motard
Crédits : Lanakila MacNaughton A feature on Brat Style an invited builder for Paradise Road Show, paradiseroadshow.com
Crédits : Deus Customs A visual tour of Deus Ex Machina, Milano Italy
Crédits : GoPro Former sit down and stand up jet ski world champion, James Visser, shreds the waves in Durban South Africa. Shot 100% on the HD HERO3+® camera from GoPro.com. Music : Thriftworks « Terminally Chill » Link to buy: http://goo.gl/nxM9sq
Crédits : Trotinel “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” This is living in my view… End of season 2014. Click HD & enjoy !
Crédits : Scooterist VI Vespa The Resistance 24 H – 25 / 26 May. Zuera, Spain. For more information and Registration: http://www.vtr24h.com For the sixth year running we are pleased to present the new edition of VESPA THE RESISTANCE. This year, for th
Crédits : Nicola L’impennatore Show Vespe Vintage
Crédits : sip-scootershop.com Vespa, Glühwein und Spikes, sind eine gute Kombination, wie wir letztes Wochenende heraus finden durften. Kalte Füße sowie eine Menge Spaß, waren vor programmiert! Dieses Event bietet definitiv mehr, als nur eine Überbrück
Crédits : Mathieu GTI JURIC Musique : The Toxic Avenger © Réalisation : Mathieu Juric / Marco Gonçalves / Kevin Deviercy Production : Life Is Short Vespa France
Crédits : Stefano Fiori Quasi un anno, una vendemmia, per completare un progetto che parla di passione per il vino, artigianato, natura e design Made in Italy: la Vespa « Montiano ». Una Vespa interamente rivestita a mano da Bottega Conticelli con il Cuo
Crédits : Motorliebe Dies ist die Geschichte eines Traums. Eines Abenteuers. Einer kleinen Therapie. Einmal mit alten Vespas quer durch die USA – wer je den italienischen Rollern verfallen war, spürt den Reiz dieser Unternehmung. Die wunderbare Unvernunft
Crédits : One Day Production This video was created for « MOD CAFE-BAR » in Rhodes,Greece for its upcoming 3 year anniversary with the help of its staff and RHODES VESPACLUB’s riders Special thanx goes out to photographer Savvas Argirou who came al
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