Source : Youtube
Crédits : Crunchie
Hey guys I’ve started a Patreon full of stickers, giveaways and other sweet rewards! https://www.patreon.com/crunchie
Song: Feki – Fly Away With Me https://www.facebook.com/Fekibeats https://soundcloud.com/fekibeats https://open.spotify.com/artist/3oZDq…
Troy really is a remarkable skater. Skating « Secret » from the top of the concrete with some serious speed. I’m a team rider for Hillside Gear – https://www.facebook.com/hillsidegear (They make good safety gear)
I’m a team rider for Acid Longboards – https://www.facebook.com/AcidLongboards (They make my longboards)
Check out my Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/CrunchieLong… (This is a good place to contact me) Hi guys, the boards I ride are an Acid Fallout and an Acid Addict.
I primarily ride RAD Wheels and I run Aera K4s (previously K3s) with Venom Bushings. This was filmed in New Zealand If you would like to use any of my footage for any reason please contact me at crunchie@crunchielongboarding.com
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